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SIMIC participates in EU Fusion Business Forum in Berlin

  • 7/8/2024

SIMIC was invited to participate this week at the EU Fusion Business Forum in Berlin organised by the European Commission and take part to the Panel discussion: “The role of Fusion for Energy in the current landscape and in the future fusion industry ecosystem.”


The Panel was moderated by Søren Bang Korsholm with the participation of Matti Paljakka, Marianna Ginola, Heike Freund, Marc Lachaise, Francesco A. Volpe and Jan Panek, Director for Nuclear, Safety and ITER from the European Commission.


The EU Directorate-General for Energy organised the Forum to serve as a platform for convening the EU industries, private fusion promoters, Fusion for Energy’s and ITER Organization representatives to explore the upcoming business opportunities in this dynamic sector.


With recent technological breakthroughs and increased private investments the fusion industry is gaining momentum that can transit from research projects to industrial deployment and construction of future fusion power plants. Likewise, as investments in fusion are accelerating, there are more and more business opportunities for the EU industry.


It was also an opportunity for SIMIC to meet with the European Fusion Association's members to discuss about the future plans, involving other members and discussing with the stakeholders, in view of unifying the European industry around a common vision, to make fusion energy a reality in Europe.


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